“If Orlando’s last book, Lemon, was the wake-up call for those who champion effectiveness, then Look out is the playbook for rebuilding the effectiveness that advertising has lost over the last decade. There is value for all who work with advertising in this book, whether at the creative end or the hard business end. Ever the polymath, Orlando vividly illustrates why an outward looking mind is vital to counterbalance the narrow perspectives of modern advertising that have robbed it of its vitality.”

Peter Field

Peter Field Consulting

“If we were ever in need of advertising to raise the public spirit that time is surely now. But to do so knowing that this is not just doing good for society, but for our brands and businesses, begs the questions what’s stopping us? Until now we could be forgiven for not knowing how to, but Look out really is THE playbook for brand-building and why it matters. Packed with brilliantly practical ideas and solutions. The most useful book for any marketer who wants to create effective advertising – which should be all of us.”

Catherine Coleman-Jinks

Director of Marketing Excellence, International Marketing, Twinings International

“This is a ground-breaking book, and a priceless reminder that the first place we often need to pursue diversity is inside our own heads.”

Rory Sutherland

Vice Chairman, Ogilvy

Look out is a study of attention and its implications for advertising.

It describes how our attention narrows following periods of technological disruption and how this can result in increased levels of detachment, fear and aggression – in culture turning inwards.

This is the context in which advertising is being made today, and Look out reveals this narrowing of attention in the advertising sounds and images around us – the rigid ‘stare’, the loss of human vitality, the overuse of the word, the rhythmic soundtrack, its stasis and symmetry. Using attention, emotion and business effectiveness data, Look out shows how this kind of advertising, far from drawing people in, pushes audiences away.

To create the effective and memorable advertising that’s needed, Look out urges advertisers to capture the ‘broad-beam’ attention of audiences. It describes how this can be achieved through advertising with an appreciation of human uniqueness, movement and ‘betweenness’, with character, incident and place, with humour, music and warmth of colour.

But to succeed the industry must broaden its attentional plane – it must look out. Watch Orlando talk about it at its launch here.

“Superb. Orlando brings our attention to those images which we would otherwise take in unknowingly – in particular, the increasingly common all-exposing ‘stare’. These are images that show a depleted way of looking at the world, a fractured form of attending. Ultimately ineffective, they lack character, humour, three dimensionality, narrative, place, subtlety – all those things that make us human. He hones in on our current situation so eloquently and apparently, and in so doing provides real impetus for change. Brilliant.”

Mary Attwood

Art Historian, Author and Lecturer

Purchase Look out from Amazon, or from the IPA Discounts are available for IPA members. A short summary of the book, A Glimpse inside can also be downloaded from the IPA.